Math is the language of nature, meaning it exists all around us. We just have to know how to find and interpret it. Since traditional teaching methods focus on abstract procedures such as “solve for x”, it is no wonder so many students question the value of learning math. “Solve for x” simply has no meaning for them. This issue typically arises when students are unable to make a connection between the math formula/procedure and their everyday lives. aims to fix this problem by illustrating these concepts through visualizations that do enable students to make connections with their everyday lives. was created by a teacher and private tutor — of students of all ages and ability levels — who has an extensive background in applied mathematics, science, and engineering, and therefore, knows what math students will need to be successful and how to teach it to them. The lessons, animations, problem sets, and quizzes presented on this site were developed especially for, and used successfully with, students with and without learning differences who just were “not getting it” through traditional methods of teaching. However, the goal is not simply to teach random concepts. Rather, it is to present seemingly abstract, yet important, math concepts in a clear, visual way that will enable students to excel now and in the future, given the current path of technology and societal advancement.
While there exist plenty of websites and methods that claim to teach math, differentiates itself by striving to present only relevant concepts in the simplest possible manner. Nonetheless, students here will gain a much deeper understanding of math through lessons and visualizations that demonstrate not just what a formula or procedure is, but why it works that way.
Sign up now; you won’t be disappointed! Looking forward to providing many happy math experiences. Let’s start making connections.
NOTE: MathViz requires users to create an account so that it can learn each student’s strengths and weaknesses, in an effort to provide them with the best math learning experience possible.